Mircea Cărtărescu Awards

  • In 1990 he was a fellow of The International Writers Program, Iowa City, U.S.A.
  • In 1992 he attended the courses of the Stuttgart Seminar in Cultural Studies in Germany.
  • In 1994 and 1995 he taught Romanian literature at the University of Amsterdam, Holland as an invited professor.
  • In 1995 he was a fellow of the New Europe College in Bucharest.
  • In 1997 he received a Rockefeller grant in Belaggio, Italy. He was also officially invited for conferences and readings within the framework of the Book Fairs in Frankfurt and Leipzig, Germany.
  • In 1998 and 1999 he was invited for  conferences at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.
  • In 2000 he obtained the Anna Kruger Grant in Berlin, Germany. In the same year he was a fellow of the Collegium Budapest in Hungary.
  • In 2001 he conferenced and had readings in Rome, Pisa, Florence and Naples, Italy. He obtained a DAAD grant in Berlin, Germany and participated in the „Mittelfest” program, Cividale del Friuli, Italia.
  • In 2002 he had readings in Stockholm and Berlin, and took part in the „Dizionario della Liberta” project, Italy.
  • In 2003 he participated at the „Writing Europe” colloquium in Hamburg and had readings and conferences in Italy (participated in the „Romapoesia Festival”).
  • In 2004 he had a conference in Aarhus, Denmark.
  • In 2005 he tought Romanian literature at the University of Vienna, Austria as an invited professor. Was awarded the Giuseppe Acerbi Prize in Castel Goffredo, Italy. Took part in the program „Les belles étrangeres” in France.
  • In 2006 he took part in the project „Last and Lost”, Germany, France, and Poland. He obtained a 1 year residency at the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart.
  • In 2007 he had promoting tours in Sweden, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Poland.
  • In 2008 he had readings at the Leipzig Book Fair, the Göteborg Book Fair and the Torino Book Fair. He was the juror for literature of the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany.
  • In 2009 he had readings in Sweden (Gotland). He also had a one month residency in Graz, Austria.
  • In 2009 and 2010 he taught the Samuel Fisher Course at the Freie Universität in Berlin.
  • In 2010 he had a promoting tour in Austria and Germany, with readings in Salzburg, Dresden, Berlin and Esslingen. He also gave readings in Stavanger, Norway and The Hagues, Holland.
  • In 2011 he had readings in Copenhagen, took part in the Cordoba Cosmopoetica literary festival, had readings and interviews in the Budapest Bookfair, in the USA Pen Club Festival and in the Literary festival in Moss, Norway. He took part in the meeting of the translators from Romanian organized by the RCI in Venice. He traveled on a promoting tour for ”Der Körper” in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, giving readings in Berlin, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Munchen, Vienna, Salzburg, Basel and Zürich. A second promoting tour (for the Swedish edition of the ”Journal”) was in Sweden, with interviews on stage in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö. He received the International Prize for Literature in Vilenica, Slovenia.
  • In 2012 he had readings in Rome, at the Bookfair in Torino, and in Bruxelles and Amsterdam. He also presented the exhibition of Tudor Banus in Stockholm. In Berlin he was awarded the International Prize for Literature – House of World Cultures 2012. He also participated in the International Festival of Poetry in Stockholm and in a conference about the European Union organized by the Allianz Forum in Berlin.
  • In 2013 he presented ”Nostalgia”in a new Spanish edition in Madrid. He participated in the Literature Salon in Cologne and Essen. In Berlin he participated in a panel discussion at the Deutsches Theater on the topic ”Transformations in the Eastern Europe”. He took part in the Passaporta Festival in Bruxelles. He also participated in the Freiburg ”Lost Words/Lost Worlds” symposium. He participated in the Novi-Sad Literature Festival, where he received the International Prize for Poetry. He received the Spycher-Leuk Prize for Literature in Leuk, Switzerland. He gave the opening discourse of the Gothenburg Book Fair and participated in more than 15 events in its framework. Had a promoting tour in the United States for his novel ”Blinding” published with Archipelago, New York. The tour included about 12 meetings with the public in Minneapolis (The Twin Cities Festival of Books), Chicago (The Chopin Theater and the University of Chicago), Boston and Cambridge (The Harvard University, The Boston University, the MIT), and New York City (The Columbia University, The McNally Jackson Bookstore, The Community Bookstore).
  • In 2014 he received the Tormento en un vaso literary prize in Spain for the best foreign book published in 2013 in Spain. He also received the Euskadi de Plata literary prize in San-Sebastian, Spain. He participated in the Joseph Conrad Festival in Cracovia, Poland. He had a reading tour in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, with readings in Berlin, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Basel, Zug, Passau, Graz, and Vienna. He also took part in several literary festivals in Romania (Alba Iulia, Sibiu, Arad, Iași, Sf. Gheorghe). He received The Literary Prize of the city of Bistrița. Had readings at the Bookfair in Sofia.
  • In 2015 he received the Leipzig Prize for European Understanding and participated in the Leipzig Bookfair. He participated in readings and  panel discussions in the Paris and Torino Bookfairs. He also received the Austrian State Prize for European Literature. He was awarded the Euphorion Prize in Sibiu. He had readings in the Alba Iulia Bookfair. He took part in the ”Secret Discussion” literary festival in Arad.
  • In 2016 he took part in the presentation of ”Levanten Osterlandet” on the stage of the Royal Theatre in Stockholm. He presented his new book ”Solenoid” in a series of conferences in Bucharest, Brasov, Sibiu, Cluj, Bistrita, Tărgu Mureș, Arad and Timișoara. He had a reading tour in Germany and Austria for the presentation of ”The Beautiful Strangers” published by Paul Zsolnay Verlag. He received the ”Observator Cultural” Prize and the Radio Romania Cultural Prize He promoted his latest book published in Spanish in Madrid and took part in the Tres Festival in Granada. He traveled in Italy where he received The Gregor von Rezzori Prize in Florence and was short-listed for the Prize Strega Europeo in Rome. He also participated in the Gavoi festival, Sardinia. In the autumn of the same year, he presented his book ”Why We Love Women” in Catalan at Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca. He was invited at the Rome Bookfair to present his book ”Travesti”, second edition, in Italian. He received the ”Oamenii timpului” Prize  in Jassy.


– The Romanian Writers’ Union Prize in 1980, 1990, 1994, and 2008.

– The Romanian Academy Prize in 1989.

The Prize of the Writers’ Association in Bucharest in 2000 and 2003.

– The Moldavian Writers’ Union Prize in 1994.

– The ASPRO Prize (of the Younger Writers’Uunion) in 1994, 1996 and 2002.

The AER Prize in 2002 and 2003.

– The Flacăra, Cuvîntul (1997 and 2003), Ateneu  and Tomis magazine prizes.

The “Book of the Year” Prize in 2008.

The National Prize for Literature in 2008.

The Literature Prize of the city of Bistrita in 2014.

The Prize of the Euphorion Magazine in 2015.

The Prize of Radio Romania Cultural in 2016.

The Prize of the Observator Cultural Magazine in 2016.

The National Prize for Literature of the Romanian Writers Union in 2016.

The Prize of the Bookfair Cluj 2016.

The ”Oamenii timpului” Prize in Jassy, 2016.

The prize of the ”Tiuk!” magazine.



The Giovanni Acerbi Prize in Italy in 2005.

The International Vilenica Prize for Literature, Slovenia 2011.

The International Prize for Literature, Berlin, 2012

The International Prize for Poetry, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013.

The Spycher-Leuk Literary Prize in Switzerland, 2013.

The Tormenta en un vaso Prize for the best foreign book published in Spain in 2014.

The Euskadi de Plata Prize in San-Sebastian, Spain, 2014.

The Leipzig Book Prize for European Understanding, Leipzig, 2015

– The Austrian State Prize for European Literature, Salzburg, 2015.

The Gregor von Rezzori Prize, Florence, 2016



Ordinul național ”Serviciul credincios” în gradul de Comandor, 2000.

Ordinul ”Meritul cultural” în gradul de Mare ofițer categoria A, 2006.

Chevalier de l’ordre des arts et des lettres, 2008.

Medalia ”Nihil Sine Deo” a Casei Regale, 2016.