- Le Rêve, Climats, Paris, 1992.
- El Sueño, Seix Barral, Barcelona, 1992.
- Travesti, Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1994.
- Poetry at Annaghmakerrig, Dedalus, Dublin, 1994.
- Lulu, Austral, Paris, 1995.
- Sóvárgás, Jelenkor, Pécs, 1997.
- Nostalgia, Volk und Welt, Berlin, 1998.
- Travesti, Bok Vennen, Oslo, 1998.
- Orbitor, Denoël, Paris, 1999.
- Be-bop Baby, Poetry New York, New York, 1999.
- Travesti, Voland, Rome, 2000.
- Vakvilág, Jelenkor, Pécs, 2000.
- Selbstportrait in einer Streichholzflamme, DAAD Collections, Berlin, 2001.
- Nostalgien, Bok Vennen, Oslo, 2001.
- Nostalgie, Albert Bonniers, Stockholm, 2002.
- Orbitor, Folio Gallimard, Paris, 2002.
- Nostalgia, Voland, Rome, 2003.
- Quando hai bisogno d’amore, Pagine, Rome, 2003.
- Orbitor, Paradox, Sofia, 2004.
- Orbitor, Albert Bonniers, Stockholm, 2004.
- Lulu, Gondolat, Budapest, 2004.
- Nostalgia, Studentska, Slovenia, 2005
- Orbitor II, Paradox, Sofia, 2005.
- Nostalgia, New Directions, New York, 2005.
- L’Oeil en feu, Denoël, Paris, 2005.
- Orbitor II, Albert Bonniers, Stockholm, 2006.
- Por que nos gustan las mujeres, Funambulista, Madrid, 2006.
- Zashto obiciate jenite, Faber, Sofia, 2006.
- Orbitor, Voland, Rome, 2007.
- Porque gostamos das mulheres, Guerra y Paz, Lisabona, 2007
- Travesti, Czarne, Warsaw, 2007.
- Orbitor, Nimrod, Tel Aviv, 2007.
- Miert szeretjuk a noket?, Jelenkor, Pécs, 2007.
- Why We Love Women, Nimrod, Tel Aviv, 2007.
- Die Wissenden, Zsolnay, Vienna, 2007.
- Europa hat die Form meines Gehirns, Merz-Solitude, Stuttgart, 2007.
- Dlaczego kochamy kobiety, Czarne, Wolowiec, 2008.
- Warum Wir die Frauen lieben, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 2008.
- Pourquoi nous aimons les femmes, Denoel, Paris, 2008.
- Travesti, bandes dessinees, L‘Association, Paris, 2008.
- En lycklig dag i mitt liv, Ellerstroms, Lund, 2008.
- Orbitor, Bokvennen, Oslo, 2008.
- Europa er formet som hjernen min, Gasspedal, Bergen, 2008.
- Orbitor III, Albert Bonniers, Stockholm, 2009.
- Nostalgia, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 2009.
- Orbitor II, Bokvennen, Oslo, 2010.
- De Wetenden, De bezige bij, Amsterdam, 2010.
- Travestie, Suhrkamp, Berlin, 2010.
- Nostalgi, C&K Forlag, Copenhagen, 2011.
- Cegador, Funambulista, Madrid, 2011.
- El ruletista, Impedimenta, Madrid, 2011.
- Sarkanyok Enciclopediaja, Bookart, Csikszereda, 2011.
- Lulu, Impedimenta, Madrid, 2011.
- De ce iubim femeile, Ad Marginem, Moskva, 2011.
- Der Körper, Zsolnay, Vienna, 2011.
- Orbitor III, Bokvennen, Oslo, 2011.
- Nostalgia, Studentska, Liubliana, 2011.
- Why We Love Women, Univ. of Plymouth Press, Plymouth, 2011.
- De ce iubim femeile, Allotropo, Athens, 2012.
- Erruletazalea, Denonartean, Berriozar, 2012.
- Zakaj ljubimo zenske, Beletrina, Liubliana, 2012.
- Poems, Cankarjeva zalozba, Ljublijana, 2012.
- Nostalgia, Impedimenta, Madrid, 2013.
- Travesti, Ayrinti, Istanbul, 2013.
65 Travesti, Albert Bonniers, Stockholm, 2013.
- Nostalgia, Croatia, Zagreb, 2013.
- Orbitor I, Ikona, Skopje, 2014.
- De ce iubim femeile, Adresa, Novi Sad, 2014.
- Orbitor III, Paul Zsolnay, Vienna, 2014.
- Orbitor, DTV, Munchen, 2014.
- Orbitor II, DTV, Munchen, 2014.
- Orbitor, Ayrinti, Istanbul, 2014.
- Le Levant, POL, Paris, 2014.
- El Levante, Impedimenta, Madrid, 2015.
- Why We Love Women, Shoraisha, Kyoto, 2015.
- Abbaccinante, 2nd volume, Voland, Roma, 2015
- Il poema dell’aquaio, Nottetempo, Roma, 2015.
- Het onmetelijke mausoleum, De bezige bij, Amsterdam, 2015.
- Levanten – Osterlandet, Albert Bonniers, Stockholm, 2015.
- The Beautiful Strangers, Paul Zsolnay Verlag, Vienna, 2016.
- Orbitor III, DTV, Munchen, 2016.
- El ojo castano de nuestro amor, Impedimenta, Madrid, 2016.
- Abbaccinante 3rd volume, Voland, Roma, 2016.
- Orbitor II, Ayrinti, Istanbul, 2016.
- Nostalgia, Pro Libris, Bratislava, 2016.
- Travesti (second edition), Voland, Roma, 2016.
- Quinze poètes roumains, Belin, Paris, 1990.
- Young Poets of a New Romania, Forest Books, London, 1991.
- Description of a Struggle, Picador, London and Vintage, New York, 1994.
- When the Tunnels Meet, Bloodaxe Books, Newcastle, 1996.
- La poesia romena del Novecento, Edizioni dell’Orso, Torino, 1996.
- Lyrisk Brevväxling (in Swedish), Fundaţia Culturală, Bucharest, 1997.
- Leading Contemporary Poets, Western Michigan University, Kalmazoo, 1997.
- The Phantom Church and Other Stories from Romania, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 1996.
- Gefahrliche serpentinen, Edition Druckhaus, Berlin, 1997.
- Romen Şiirinin, Kriterion, Bucureşti, 1999.
- Comme dans un dessin de Escher, Editions PHI, Quebec, 2003.
- Poésie, nr. 98, septembre 2003, Paris.
- Europa schreibt, Korber stiftung, Berlin, 2003.
- Bloody Europe, Playground, Roma, 2004.
- Writing Europe, CEU Press, Budapest, 2004.
- Autoren lessen in der DAADgalerie, DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm, Berlin, 2002.
- Diavoli d’autore, Voland, Roma, 2004.
- Les belles étrangères, 12 écrivains roumains, L’Inventaire, Paris, 2005.
- Verbotene Worte, Biblion, München, 2005.
- Last & Lost, Suhrkamp, 2006.
- Deus ex Machina, Antwerpen, 2007.
- Dilingo, Noran, Budapest, 2008.
- Huszadik szazadi, Noran, 2009.
- Nabokov u Brasovu, Meandermedia, Zagreb, 2009.
- Das Wilde Leben, Suhrkamp, Berlin, 2012.
- Voor de prijs van minj mond, PoezieCentrum, Bruxelles, 2013.
- Lost Words/Lost Worlds, Foto Tapeta, Berlin, 2013.
- Anthology of Romanian Poetry in Serbia, 2013.
- Miniaturas de tiempos venideros, Vaso Roto Ediciones, Madrid, 2013
- Cosmopoetica antologia, Cosmopoetica, Cordoba, 2016.